Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hola Amigos!


okay so last night I went to my friend's house and slept over and that was REALLY EPICALLY AMAZINGLY FUN.

uhhhhhh yah.................

I might add more later, but for now, that's all folks.

Oh, and make sure you check out the new video on the right side of the page!

Tis the trailer for Chess in Concert! Tis pretty intense. I'm warning you now. So if you faint, don't sue me. ;)

Oh and I got Kristen Chenoweth's book! IT'S SO REALLY EPICALLY AMAZINGLY AWESOME! If you want to buy it, the title of the book is:

A Little Bit Wicked:

Life, Love, and Faith in Stages

It's by Kristen Chenoweth........

I'm warning you that you might have long fits of laughter while reading this book and may become addicted to this book.

Daily Idina Picture:

Fabulous face you've got goin' on there, Rosario.

Haha. Look at Jesse! (Yah, most of you reading this probably don't know who that is).

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